Wills & Estates

Planning for the future of your family after you are gone is an important legal task. If you take the time now to make an effective and legally binding Will, you can save your family stress and money in what will undoubtedly be a difficult time for them.

At the same time as considering your Will we strongly recommend that you also put in place plans for any future incapacity through Power of Attorney and Guardianship documents. This will ensure that if you somehow become unable to make decisions about your finances, medical treatment or living arrangements then the people you trust to make these decisions can do so unhindered and in accordance with your wishes.

How can we help you?

Our team of compassionate and empathetic Wills & Estates lawyers is led by Nicolas Moore, who is an accredited specialist in Wills & Estates law with the NSW Law Society and maintains his accreditation by undertaking a high level of continuing education and professional development in the field every year.  We can help you with the full range of Wills and Estates Law services, including:

  • Preparation of Wills, Powers of Attorney and Enduring Guardians
  • Estate Administration
  • Contested Wills and Estate Litigation


Elder Law - Legal advice for elderly clients

In addition to our experience and knowledge in the field of Wills & Estates law, the team at CDQ is able to provide a range of advice concerning the law as it relates to the growing elderly population in Australia.  For example, we can help with issues such as moving into a retirement village, nursing home or hostel, the preparation of advance medical directives and care plans, home equity release schemes, and disputes concerning superannuation. 

Quality advice

The high quality advice provided by CDQ is based on our experience and results over more than 60 years.

We have successfully represented thousands of clients since the practice was formed and we use this knowledge and experience to ensure a successful outcome.  When you appoint CDQ as your legal representatives, you can be assured that we will act in your best interests at all times.  We will represent you professionally, ethically and responsibly throughout the duration of your matter and we will keep you informed every step of the way.

For further information and to make an appointment, please contact our experienced Wills & Estates team at CDQ today on 02 8566 2400.